CronopiO terug open vanaf woensdag 13 mei 2020

12 mei 2020
Ook CronopiO opent weer zijn winkeldeur vanaf woensdag 13 mei.
nieuwe openingsuren:
woensdag tem zaterdag van 12u tot 19u en zondag van 13u tot 19u

Bij binnenkomst kan u uw handen ontsmetten.

We vragen u om elkaar voldoende ruimte te geven.


The Bird Was Only a Bird

“Ah, what fragrance, what sun!” said the bird
“Spring has come,
“I will go seek my mate.”

The bird flew off the veranda’s edge,
it flew like a message and hastened away

The bird was small
The bird didn’t think
He read no papers
nor had any loans.
The bird did not know people.

In the air
above the red lights of danger
in the heights of oblivion the bird flew
and experienced madly
the moments of azure blue.

The bird, ah, was only a bird.

Forugh Farrokhzad